We always want to know more about our customers. What do they like Photo Retouching What do they buy more? Where are they going to buy online? Which websites do they visit frequently? Where do they live? What are their interests? How can you better target them and all their friends and family? You get it. The advertising platform has a fair amount of this data (read it all) and some areas of your account have access to this data. I'm especially talking about one area: Audience Insight. Photo Retouching Currently, most advertising platforms have their own versions. Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, Pinterest, etc.
You can also use Google Analytics to do a similar analysis. Simply Photo Retouching put, the sky is the limit when you want to know more about your target audience. The first time you access these tools, you may feel like a kid in a candy store. There's a lot to learn and you can know a lot about the audience in your account. advertisement Continue reading below However, the moment comes when we wonder, "How can we use this information?" That's what I want to help today. The tool is great and can display a lot of great information, but it's basically worthless if you don't know how to take advantage of it. Now let's see how we can start using this information for our benefit. 1. Find new targeting within the platform The easiest way to leverage audience insights is to use them to find new Photo Retouching targeting within the same account.
Google Ads allows you to analyze each audience for demographic information, but more than that, Google shows which in-market and affinity categories your audience's users fall into. Audience Insights-Google Ads In-Market Audiences boom. advertisement Continue Photo Retouching reading below New targeting to test, that's easy. Well, this doesn't mean you have to go to and target all the inmarket and affinity categories listed, but Google says your audience is more than any other audience on their platform. I'm telling you that you're likely to be in your audience.